On 1st of August 2022 Im leaving the country forever, Im closing my bank account, de-registering my address and everything. Because some big personal problems, Im moving back to Bosnia&Herzegovina.(non EU country).
I already cancelled all my contracts, my wlan contract with vodafone, they told me they understand my situation and they won’t make me any issues and as of 1st of Aug I don’t have to worry.
Only thing thats left is my O2 contract, because Im paying some ‘O2 S Boost Plus’ tariff for my mobile phone. I had a contract since 03/2020 until 03/2022 and it got extended for 1 more year I think. So now I need to terminate that because Im moving out so can you tell me what to do to end my contract. Im not planning to come back to Germany ever, I lived here for 3 years now Im going out of the country.
Thanks in advance.