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Hello. My name is subin. I sent Kündigung letters to O2 by “Einschreiben” Post on 23.10.2020. 

And I have traced on the internet that my post was already deliverd to O2. 

First one is “01XXXXX67”, which is my phone number.

Second one is “ 01XXXX85”, which is sim card number that i have never used. 

but i have not gotten  any “confirmation E-mail or letter” from you. 

In this case, how do i know that cancellation was successfully made or not? 

If somebody already sent Kündigung letters , what is the next?

Do i have to wait until o2 send confirmation letter or should i do something else? 

I do not know where to ask.

Please check my letters and give me answer as soon as earlier by my e-mail or letter.

My e-mail address is XXXXXXXX



Now ,I would like to say something about service of O2. Recently, I found on my bill that there is seond number, 01XXXXX85, and i have been paying some amount of money montly for this number which i had never used evein once since 2015. And the price was even increased in this year. Later i could figure it out what that number is. It was number for the addtional simcard. 

When i made a contract with o2 as a forigner on the very first day, my German was not good. So i did not know about the Second Simcard. Pleas think about it.

I only have one mobile phone. Why would i need two simcards? 

But anyway, i made a contract without many information which is the thing that i regret. 

But the point is that, i do not have the simcard and have never used it even once. There is no doubt that i have to pay for the service that i use. But paying money for the service which i never used is not reasonble and even unfair. So i called O2 hot line service to ask if they can immedielty cancel the second number so that i do not pay for it from next month. Your colleague said She can deactivate system at the first time. but later she explaind me that it is not possible for her to do it. Beacase my contract is whole pacage with simcard so there is no way to do it. I was so disappointed about that. 

I was very sincere customer for o2 for 5 years,,,!! But when i had problem, nobody could not help me…  i think this is not good for o2 company in the long run. 

Please check my letters and let me know my cancellation was sucessfully made. 

I hope somebody could give me the right answer ASAP!!!.


Edit o2 Antje: Personal Data deleted








It is not a very good idea to post your personal information in a public forum!

If you have tracked the letters and seen hat these were delivered then as long as they were received in time (three months before the end of the term) then you can assume thta everything is fine. You should keep a record of the delivery to be sure. You will see the confirmation on your next invoice.

Hello @subin,


welcome to our o2 community.


We have received your cancellation letter and will confirm the cancellation of both contracts by April 22nd 2021 by letter as well.


An earlier cancellation of the second contract was rejected. A withdrawal from a contract is only possible within the first 14 days of the contract. We have always informed you on the contract conditions by email. There are no indications that the contract was free of charges.  Also, the contract was clearly specified in your invoices for several years.


I am sorry that we can’t correspond to your wish.


Kind regards


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