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Iphone 13 pro max 256 gb sierra blue pre order on 17th september and still not delivered


Hello Team, 

I hope you’re doing very well!

My name is Sonu Kumar. I am a O2 costumer from last 2 Years. I started my journey with iPhone 11 and sim card on Jan 2020.

As I believe on 02 and their services, thats why I extended my contract with the pre - order of iphone 13 pro max 256 gb sierra blue color on very first day of order on 17th September 2021. The order was attempted for delivering at my address without the prior notifications by dhl. The dhl courier guys didn’t rang my door bell and updated the status with undelivered and didn’t attempt for 2nd time. I contacted the dhl and 02 same day and o2 customer care person promised mw the product will be delivered soon .


since 1.5 weeks I am calling to customer care and every day they are telling the same thing. I am really totally dependent on iphone 13 pro max and thats why didn’t booked it from apple store . I choose 02 over everyone and stillI didn’t recieve the phone 😭😭. Everyday they are telling the same thing, as you pre order the phone, so you will get soon.

I am going to my hometown for vacation on next week and I want iphone 13 pro max badly as I promised my mother.

I am requesting you, please try to understand my situation and deliver it to me. I would be really very grateful to you for this,




Hello Team, 

I hope you’re doing very well!

My name is Sonu Kumar. I am a O2 costumer from last 2 Years. I started my journey with iPhone 11 and sim card on Jan 2020.

As I believe on 02 and their services, thats why I extended my contract with the pre - order of iphone 13 pro max 256 gb sierra blue color on very first day of order on 17th September 2021. The order was attempted for delivering at my address without the prior notifications by dhl. The dhl courier guys didn’t rang my door bell and updated the status with undelivered and didn’t attempt for 2nd time. I contacted the dhl and 02 same day and o2 customer care person promised mw the product will be delivered soon .


since 1.5 weeks I am calling to customer care and every day they are telling the same thing. I am really totally dependent on iphone 13 pro max and thats why didn’t booked it from apple store . I choose 02 over everyone and stillI didn’t recieve the phone 😭😭. Everyday they are telling the same thing, as you pre order the phone, so you will get soon.

I am going to my hometown for vacation on next week and I want iphone 13 pro max badly as I promised my mother.

I am requesting you, please try to understand my situation and deliver it to me. I would be really very grateful to you for this,





Hello Team, 

I hope you’re doing very well!

My name is Sonu Kumar. I am a O2 costumer from last 2 Years. I started my journey with iPhone 11 and sim card on Jan 2020.

As I believe on 02 and their services, thats why I extended my contract with the pre - order of iphone 13 pro max 256 gb sierra blue color on very first day of order on 17th September 2021. The order was attempted for delivering at my address without the prior notifications by dhl. The dhl courier guys didn’t rang my door bell and updated the status with undelivered and didn’t attempt for 2nd time. I contacted the dhl and 02 same day and o2 customer care person promised mw the product will be delivered soon .


since 1.5 weeks I am calling to customer care and every day they are telling the same thing. I am really totally dependent on iphone 13 pro max and thats why didn’t booked it from apple store . I choose 02 over everyone and stillI didn’t recieve the phone 😭😭. Everyday they are telling the same thing, as you pre order the phone, so you will get soon.

I am going to my hometown for vacation on next week and I want iphone 13 pro max badly as I promised my mother.

I am requesting you, please try to understand my situation and deliver it to me. I would be really very grateful to you for this,




@o2_Lars could you please help me in this. I am suffering a lot since long days

@o2_Lars @o2_Carina @o2_Andrea @o2_Bianca 

Guys please help me in this conditions. I have been calling to o2 customer call Centre since 2 weeks and they made me promise that my phone will be delivered to me as soon as possible. Still I haven't receive  my phone .


You guys are really supportive as o2 logistics team is not cooperating in this case . Please look into this and take actions ASAP



Hallo Team, 

ich hoffe, es geht euch gut!

Mein Name ist Sonu Kumar. Ich bin seit 2 Jahren Kunde bei O2. Ich habe meine Reise mit dem iPhone 11 und einer Sim-Karte im Januar 2020 begonnen.

Da ich an 02 und ihre Dienstleistungen glaube, habe ich meinen Vertrag mit der Vorbestellung des iphone 13 pro max 256 gb sierra blue color gleich am ersten Tag der Bestellung am 17. September 2021 verlängert. Die Bestellung wurde ohne vorherige Benachrichtigung durch dhl versucht, an meine Adresse zu liefern. Die dhl-Kuriere haben nicht an meiner Tür geklingelt und den Status mit "nicht zugestellt" aktualisiert und haben es nicht zum zweiten Mal versucht. Ich habe dhl und 02 noch am selben Tag kontaktiert und der o2-Kundenbetreuer hat mir versprochen, dass das Produkt bald geliefert werden wird.


Seit 1,5 Wochen rufe ich bei der Kundenbetreuung an und jeden Tag wird mir das Gleiche erzählt. Ich bin wirklich total abhängig von iphone 13 pro max und das ist, warum nicht buchen Sie es von Apple Store. Ich wählte 02 über alle und immer noch habe ich nicht erhalten das Telefon 😭😭. Jeden Tag sagen sie das Gleiche, wie Sie das Telefon vorbestellen, so dass Sie bald bekommen werden.

Ich fahre nächste Woche in meine Heimatstadt in den Urlaub und ich möchte unbedingt ein iphone 13 pro max haben, da ich es meiner Mutter versprochen habe.

Ich bitte Sie, versuchen Sie bitte, meine Situation zu verstehen und liefern Sie es mir. Ich wäre Ihnen wirklich sehr dankbar dafür,




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Hi @Sonu kumar 

First of all please stop spreading all your postings across our community.

We do not allow spam and it took us half an hour to merge all your messages to one posting.

One initial post is enough, multiple ones only make it harder for us to check your case. 

We will now take a closer look and will get back to you asap.

Best Regards Matze 


@Sonu kumar you wrote

I am going to my hometown for vacation on next week and I want iphone 13 pro max badly as I promised my mother.


I am sorry, i have just checked the logistic status. If you order now an iPhone 13 Pro Max 256 GB the delivery time  is around 3-4 weeks, so i am really sorry, cause there is no chance to ship the phone in time to arrive at your place before you leave the country. 

The one you orderd on sep 17th came back to us cause of a delivery failure (wrong address) and the whole order was cancelled.  

I'm deeply sorry that I don't have any better news for you. 

Best Regards Matze 

Hi @o2_Matze thank you so much for your reply. I totally understand you point of view.

I am asking for my phone, because it was pre ordered on very first day on 17th September. The phone got back to o2 without giving me prior notifications by o2 or DHL about the delivery time or expected date. I am leaving at my address as tenant and my owner name is there . the problem is with DHL, they didn't informed and returned it back t o2.


As this order is pre- order that's why I am asking to deliver it to me on priority basis. I called to o2 customer care and they promised me that, I will get my phone as soon as possible.


Please try to understand my concern and help me :)

@Sonu kumar 

my colleague asked the shipping department to speed up the delivery but this won’t work. The first bulk is going to be shipped this week and the rest within next week.

Maybe you are lucky and get it in time. Keep my fingers crossed.


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