Hello i have one question. Sorry i dont speak German language very good. I have sim o2 since 1 year. And i am using it i have account on app o2 too. What i wanted to ask, when i click your Angebot - for iphone 12 pro max and airpods with unlimited internet it says, like my account have not Laufzeit vertrag. So i wanted to ask, what i need to do, to get that vertrag and to get that mobile so i pay mothly 70-80€. Like in that price to be mobile and prepaid or what you call it. Btw i have vissum on 5 years, i work as krankenplfeger with good paymant. I have money from side also , so what can i do, to ger that phone instantly with airpods and your internet option. ?
edit o2_Manga: verschoben zu Englisch