I got two 20GB SIM card for 35 Euros per month (as mentioned by the seller with rabat from o2 birthday something). However when I log in the app, there is an invoice for over 150 Euros.
Unfortunately I do not speak German so I cannot contact the Hotline.
Is there an email address that I can appeal to or could you please help me to understand what is included?
Edit o2_Larissa: moved to English o2 Community: Mobile
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What does the invoice say you have been charged for? Look in particular at page 2.
I just found out that I am also signing the TV O2, which I didn’t not accepted it. They also charged me 39,9 euros for each sim, plus another 39 euros fee. Is that even allowed? When I was at the shop they told me one fee of 39,9 euros only and 2 sims for 34,98. But it also looks like that besides the TV I also pay 35 for the other chip per month.
Hey @vpaiva , so sorry for answering that late. But a big welcome to the community How are you and could you find any help by now or should I check your tariff and fees? Best, Matea
Hey Matea,
I couldn’t find any help and I have no idea of what is being charged and if it’s possible to change. What I can assure is that is totally different from what was sell to me in the shop. Could you please help me? Thank you
Hey @vpaiva , the costs of your tariff are normally 24,99 per month. If you check your bill (second page) you will find the detailed list of: One-time charges:
Basic fees: 1x 29,99 EU und 1x 34,98 EU
For your contract price: 39,99 EU and 39,99 (which was fully reduced as you can see on page 2)
and in addition to that, the costs of your consumer expanses of one of your telephone contracts (ending with 1484) are 42,96 EUR. I would suggest to activate your personal call statments (Einzelverbindungsnachweis) which allows you to check your monthly expansen in detail.
So if you consider and deduct your one-time charges and your perosnal expanses (please check on them) you will get to 24,99 per month.
Best Matea
Why do I have two invoices with different amounts every month?
Hello @daniddd ,
welcome to the o2 Community .
If you are receiving two invoices each month, then I’d assume that you have two contracts with us that are being run with separate customer IDs. Which could have a number of reasons as to why they are separate. Are both of these deducted from the same bank account?
Kind regards, Sven
Yes from the same bank account,and if it is that what can I do?
Hello @daniddd, If you receive two invoices, it looks like you have two contracts with us.
What's on the bills? Are there two different numbers? Or is it perhaps the amount for a purchase of a mobile phone?
You can cancel the unwanted contract at the end of the minimum contract period.
Enter your E-mail address. We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.
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