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Warum O2


I've been trying for three days now to activate my prepaid SIM card but the video chat option failed twice, and it never appeared again, I tried yesterday with the Post office and it appears to have failed also. I went to 2 O2 stores and they don't help me... basically it seems that I lost my time and money. Don't know what else to do.


edit o2_Solveig 05.10.2023, 15:27 Uhr moved from Prepaid → English o2 Community : Mobile 

Hi @cornifli, welcome at our community. Nice to have you here.

I'm sorry that the activation didn't work.

Were you able to be told why or are you seeing an error message?

Kind regards, Ines.

Hi @cornifli, welcome at our community. Nice to have you here.

I'm sorry that the activation didn't work.

Were you able to be told why or are you seeing an error message?

Kind regards, Ines.

Hi @o2_Ines, thanks, I keep getting always the same message:

“Fehler bei der Identifizierung

Momentan steht leider die Identifizierung nicht zur Verfügung. Versuchen Sie es bitte später erneut.”

And the page doesn’t let me do anything else or choose another verification option.

Kind regards,

Hey @cornifli,

Could it be that information such as the date of birth or the name does not match? Why didn't it work at the post office? What were you told there? 


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