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Warum O2

I would like some guidance on how to proceed. 

I have a 24-month mobile sim only unlimited contract that started in late 2022 that works extremely well at home (12 months left on contract).

Recently the signal at the office has become worse to the point of no connection, regularly. (I have not moved office or anything). Furthermore, there has always been no signal in the main part of town (PLZ 89073). When I initially complained they said the would be upgrading to 5G soon (more that 12 months ago) and it would solve most issues , since it worked well at home I decided to live with the restrictions.  

However now with the combination of bad service at the office and in town, I feel that it is not acceptable that I pay for a service that is only useable half the day.

I have read about possibility of going down the route of Extraordinary termination and getting a log of the connectivity issues, but this seems very complicated for my limited German.  Is there anything else I can try, or is the best route to try get out of the last 12 months?

Both locations at the office and town centre have confirmed issues , as per checker

Eine Basisstation in der Nähe meldet Einschränkungen.

Telefonieren und surfen mag möglicherweise nicht einwandfrei funktionieren. Der Grund ist entweder eine Überlastsituation, also zu viele Mobilfunknutzer gleichzeitig in einem bestimmten Bereich. Oder es handelt sich hier um eine andere Störung (z.B. ein Hardware-Teil an der Basisstation ist defekt)

Thank you


An extraordinary termination for netweork-related connectivity issues or poor signal is not possible in the case of mobile contracts because they are, as the name suggests, mobile and not tied to a specific location.

The text you have posted states that there are signal issues, possibly due to a lack of capacity, at the location you searched for. In such cases the situation nis unlikely to impove significantly until the additional capacity is added at the location.

Annoying as it is, there is not much you can do. 

That seems rather one sided if true.  While I understand that it is a mobile contract, I would expect said service provider to actually work less than 100m from the store front and in normal city limits. I would even be happy to have limited/reduced  connectivity, but no service feels like I’m am being cheated out of my money. 

How are they allowed to continue to provide what amounts to false advertising and fake service for longer than a year if it is a known issue. 

Hey @Old.Man,

I can understand your annoyance. Of course, you want to use what you pay for. 
As a first step, we can have a look at the restriction. Please give me a cross street and a zip code so that I can have a look at the area. 


Hi @o2_Flo 

Thank you for considering it,

1st location Wörthstraße 59 , 89077 Ulm

2nd Location Hirschstraße 1, 89073 Ulm


Hey @Old.Man,
both stations are unfortunately overloaded at the moment. This happens when too many mobile users log into a cell because other stations may be down. I can only ask for your patience :( 


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