I want to reissue my SIMcard since my smartphone was stolen
In the end of last month my iPhone SE2 was stolen, and the O2 Prepaid SIM card was also stolen at the same time. My stolen SIM card was activated by some Saturn staff when I bought it at some Saturn shop. For that, we called O2 Prepaid Hotline, and a person in charge asked me to send a O2 form (Prepaid – Besitzerwechsel Kundendaten (1)), so I wrote the form and sent it to ‘O2 Prepaid Kundenbetreuung’ on September 2nd. However, it was returned to me. I don’t know why, so I called O2 Prepaid Hotline again. Another person in charge answered that ‘O2 Prepaid Kundenbetreuung’ returned my letter since a copy of my passport was not enclosed, and she asked me to send a copy of my passport as well as the O2 form, so I sent the both documents as she said on September 6th. But, there is no answer from ‘O2 Prepaid Kundenbetreuung’ even though over 2 weeks have already passed. So, we called O2 Prepaid Hotline again, but another person in charge answered that ‘O2 Prepaid Kundenbetreuung’ did not receive the both letters I sent on September 2nd and 6th. And, the charged person asked me to send only the O2 form again. I have sent letters to ‘O2 Prepaid Kundenbetreuung’ no less than twice without any mistake in its address. How much money must I waste for this mail? I assume my letter will be returned again even if I try to send it to ‘O2 Prepaid Kundenbetreuung’ again… And, each charged person gave me different answers, so I wonder whose answer is correct and who is honest.
So, I would like to get a correct answer and correct procedures to reissue my new SIM card with the same phone number from you. Please tell me about how to re-issue my new SIM card without any lie.
I really appreciate you if you help my problem.
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Hi @SunflowerCat-25,
welcome to our English Community. Nice to meet you here.
I regret that your phone was stolen together with your prepaid-card.
Did our Prepaid Customer Service already block the sim-card for you? In order to prevent any abuse, please make sure to block your sim-card as soon as possible. The quickest way is to contact our Prepaid Customer Service for that. Of course, I also can do that for you, but it will take a bit longer as I need first of all some personal details from you.
In order to check the change of ownership, I will send you a private message via @o2_Support. Please reply there to my request.
Loving greetings,
Hello, thank you very much for your response.
I sent you messages via @o2_Support. Please check them.
I hope that these instructions are helpful for you.
Loving greetings,
Hi @SunflowerCat-25,
nice that the change of ownership was already successful.
I just activated now for you the new sim-card. Just put the new sim-card now into a phone.
I hope everything is okay now.
If you have any further questions, just feel free to contact us here in our English Community.
Loving greetings,
Hello. This is SunflowerCat-25.
I can use my new sim card now. Thank you very much for your support.
How can I use the prepaid plan (smart plus?) which costs me 7.99 euro per 4 weeks?
What should I do for using the plan which costs 7.99 euro?
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Hello. This is SunflowerCat-25.
Since I bought O2 Loop (15 euro) some time ago, I was automatically charged for the prepaid plan which costs 7.99 euro. So, my simcard problem was totally solved, and I can use my smartphone with the new simcard. I really appreciate your marvelous handling.
By the way, how can I buy O2 Loop online? Usually, I buy your O2 Loop at supermarkets such as LIDL and EDEKA, but it is more convenient for me if I can purchase O2 Loop online.
Furthermore, I have received your emails of email address confirmation twice, but how can I confirm it? There is some error, so I cannot confirm it.
This is the final question, but what should I do in advance for solving such stolen simcard problem? It took 1 and half months to solve my simcard problem this time, so I would like to take countermeasures in order to solve such problem promptly.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
By the way, how can I buy O2 Loop online? Usually, I buy your O2 Loop at supermarkets such as LIDL and EDEKA, but it is more convenient for me if I can purchase O2 Loop online.
Here are the possibilities:
Furthermore, I have received your emails of email address confirmation twice, but how can I confirm it? There is some error, so I cannot confirm it.
First enter Mein o2 with your phone number and then click on the confirmation link.
This is the final question, but what should I do in advance for solving such stolen simcard problem? It took 1 and half months to solve my simcard problem this time, so I would like to take countermeasures in order to solve such problem promptly.
The stolen card will deactivate in a few minutes and a replacement card will send to your address.
Hi @SunflowerCat-25,
nice that you can use now your sim-card, at last.
@tearsbeforecrying already helped you out with your questions.
Is everything now clear to you?
Loving greetings,
Hi, Mr. Tobias,
I am sorry to be late for my response.
My questions are almost solved, but I must try to top-up by online later because my O2 credit is enough now. And, I will be able to lock my simcard and get a replacement by online when it is stolen from next time. The confirmation of my email address was also completely done. Thank you very much for your support.
Thank you very much for your detailed explanation. I could get great information thanks to you.
By the way, when I tried to confirm my email address, I could not do it with my account (SunflowerCat-25), so I made a new account with my mobile number and confirmed my email address. Therefore, there are 2 accounts (SunflowerCat-25 and the other one) now, but is it normal? I think I should use the account (SunflowerCat-25) for using O2 community and asking questions and use the other account made by my mobile number for doing top-up or any other procedures. Is my thought correct?
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