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Warum O2

I have issues with my sim/esim

I WANT to reactivate my sim card to receive messages. I mistakenly deleted the esim I had from my original mobile phone (iphone) and my sim card is not working and I can't receive sms so I can reactivate my esim, We need the Qrcode to be able to reactivate my esim card to work on my mobile. I am outside Germany and will be in Greece for a few more weeks and we need the phone number.
Please help us with this, it is absolutely necessary

Edit o2_Bianca: Moved from SIM Karte Betsellung&Aktivierung to English o2 Community mobile

Hello @Themis Ioannou ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

From what I see you already contacted the chat earlier and managed to order another eSIM Profile for your contract. If you need any further help with that, then please let us know.


Kind regards, Sven

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