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I have accidently bought extra sim with the contract and now would like to cancel it

I accidently ordered an extra sim with a new phone with the impression that I could really portable current number to another one. I have not activated sim yet - how do I cancel that sim now? I don’t want to pay for two contracts.


Edit o2_Bianca: transferred to English community mobile

4 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

Where did you conclude the contract? Online? Then you can cancel within 14 days by sending an email to

@bs0 Hi Thanks for your quick reply, yes I have ordered it online. 

So you saying I can email them in english and they will consider it? It is less than 14 days

Benutzerebene 3

@bs0 Hi Thanks for your quick reply, yes I have ordered it online. 

So you saying I can email them in english and they will consider it? It is less than 14 days

No, in germany german is the legal laguage. You have to write it in german:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

dem Vertragsabschluss zu Telefonnummer XXXXXX kündige ich … entsprechend  meinem 14 tätigen Rücktrittsrecht, gemäß Fernabsatzgesetz….  like that, in germany only lawers are allowed to give legal advices, so make sure you get it right but its not complicated if you are within the 14 days.

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7


Two words need to be changed in your suggestion if he is to “get it right”:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

dem Vertragsabschluss zu Telefonnummer XXXXXX widerrufe ich … entsprechend meinem 14 tätigen Widerrufsrecht, gemäß Fernabsatzgesetz.

There is also a form you can use:

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