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Hello my customer number is :xxx

I did contract with a sparhandy and the contract details was : this but i am paying 46.04 Euro I should have pay 64.99 Euro? Per month and i should also pay connection fee? 
But first Bill i got is : 46.04 Euro can you explain me this why this is happening? Why i am paying less at the moment? 


edit o2_Manga: verschoben zu Englisch Mobile

o2 Free Unlimited Max Handy5Grundgebühr 64,99 € | Mindestumsatz: 0,00 € | Anschlussgebühr: 39,99 €
39,99 € 64,99€
Keine Option ausgewählt. 0,00 € 0,00 €
Versandkosten 0,00 €  
Gesamtsumme 202,99 € 64,99 €

Hi @luca1616 ,


your account is not connected to a contract, which is why I can’t take look at the bill.

Do you have access to your bill? You should the billing cycle on page on the top right.

On page 2 should be your contract. My guess is, that this bill includes the Anschlussgebühr and just a few days of the contract. If that’s to be the case, there should be a date next to the contract Name, for example:

o2 Free Unlimited (28.07. - 02.08.2021)

Do you see something like that on your bill?

Viele Grüße,

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