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Homespot slow performance

I was initially impressed my my O2.DE Homespot - it used to work really well.
But over the last few months it has got progressively slower, the blue LTE light is now more often green (or flashing red)

Turning the device off and on restores some connectivity - but not the 50mbps that you sold me as the device being capable of.
My most recent speedtest shows a DL speed of 5.9Mbps and an upload of 6.0.
My iPhone, connected to O2.DE (at the same location) has a speed of 80.5Mbps and an upload of 45.7Mbps.

All I can assume is that the homespot has developed a fault!

How do I get this fixed?  Why am I paying O2.DE €45 per month for a device that is 13 times slower than my mobile (that costs £16pm from O2.UK?)



11 Antworten

Hello @MrTony,

Welcome to the o2 Community.😊

It's a shame that things aren't going to your satisfaction. What happens if you use the SIM from the homespot in your cell phone? How is the speed then?

Kind regards, Lea

As the coverage drops are intermittent putting the sim in my phone had no effect.  I can’t do the opposite as my phone has an e-sim rather than a physical one.

However when the O2 mobile hotspot fails my O2 mobile (at the same location) remains connected.  I am assuming that they would both be connected to the same cell.

So today performance got MUCH worse.

The red light on the homespot constantly flashes red.

I tried to put the SIM in my mobile and although the phone displays the 5G symbol it quickly changed to LTE.

Speedtests on my mobile with the homespot SIM installed all failed with “no internet available”

the syslog from the homespot is below



Jul  4 16:44:38 (none) user.crit syslog: [CWMP] Q: 2191, 170.362, askeyInform.c:1639, ======= Http response no content =========

Jul  4 16:44:38 (none) user.crit syslog: [CWMP] Q: 2191, 170.362, askeyInform.c:1640, ==========================================

Jul  4 16:44:38 (none) user.crit syslog: [CM] Q: 277, 170.372, aspcmd.c:3180, src_id = CWMP_DMON, need to save configuration

Jul  4 16:44:38 (none) user.err syslog: [CWMP] E: 2191, 170.372, IPInterfaceIPv6Prefix.c:845, START

Jul  4 16:44:38 (none) user.crit syslog: [CM] Q: 277, 170.372, aspcmd.c:3180, src_id = CWMP_DMON, need to save configuration

Jul  4 16:44:38 (none) user.crit syslog: [CWMP] Q: 2191, 170.372, paramsDeviceInfo.c:1052, ntp_state = DISABLED

Jul  4 16:44:38 (none) user.crit syslog: [CWMP] Q: 2191, 170.372, paramsDeviceInfo.c:1052, ntp_state = UNSYNC

Jul  4 16:44:38 (none) user.crit syslog: [CWMP] Q: 2191, 170.372, paramsDeviceInfo.c:1052, ntp_state = DISABLED

Jul  4 16:44:38 (none) user.crit syslog: [CWMP] Q: 2191, 170.372, paramsDeviceInfo.c:1052, ntp_state = UNSYNC

Jul  4 16:44:38 (none) user.crit syslog: [CWMP] Q: 2191, 170.372, paramsDeviceInfo.c:1052, ntp_state = FAILED

Jul  4 16:44:38 (none) user.crit syslog: [CWMP] Q: 2191, 170.372, paramsDeviceInfo.c:1052, ntp_state = DISABLED

Jul  4 16:44:38 (none) user.crit syslog: [CWMP] Q: 2191, 170.372, paramsDeviceInfo.c:1052, ntp_state = UNSYNC

Jul  4 16:44:38 (none) user.crit syslog: [CWMP] Q: 2191, 170.372, paramsDeviceInfo.c:1052, ntp_state = FAILED

Jul  4 16:44:39 (none) user.crit syslog: [CM] Q: 277, 170.692, aspcmd.c:3180, src_id = CWMP_DMON, need to save configuration

Jul  4 16:44:39 (none) user.crit syslog: [CM] Q: 277, 170.702, aspcmd.c:3180, src_id = CWMP_DMON, need to save configuration

Jul  4 16:44:39 (none) user.crit syslog: [CM] Q: 277, 170.702, aspcmd.c:3180, src_id = CWMP_DMON, need to save configuration

Jul  4 16:44:39 (none) user.crit syslog: [CM] Q: 277, 170.712, aspcmd.c:3180, src_id = CWMP_DMON, need to save configuration

Jul  4 16:44:39 (none) user.crit syslog: [CM] Q: 276, 170.852, aspcmd.c:4944, save configuration to /persist/config

Jul  4 16:44:39 (none) user.crit syslog: [CM] Q: 276, 170.932, aspcmd.c:4977, backup configuration to /persist/


When I do briefly get an internet connection the best speedtest result was this



Benutzerebene 7

Hello @MrTony,

first of all, thank you for sharing all this information, that helps to discuss the theme.  As you already made some tests, it seems like the SIM makes some problems. Here some further questions to get a better scope of the issue:

  • I assume the speedtest on your mobile is better, if you user your eSIM?
  • If the LTE light flashes red on your Homespot, it can also mean, that you have to input your PIN of the SIM in the settings - have you tried that?
  • Are there any regularities in which the internet is slower, or ist it constantly slower, also than an your mobile?

With these informations we may look further to find a solution for this 😄

Best regards,

I don’t have an option to input a PIN in the Homespot settings.
For the last few days the router has been working reasonably well, but today it is incredibly slow.
I ran a speed test using the O2(DE) homespot and got this result

The speed was so slow the test would not complete.

When I connected using my O2(UK) iPhone as a hotspot I got this result



When I log in to my Hotspot the status page shows this

Any advice on what I can do next?  My O2(DE) homespot is essential for both working from home and for keeping contact with family back home in the UK.

Hello @MrTony ,

the simcard in your mobile phone is using roaming as it is a o2 UK card from what I understand. You are also connected to o2 here, or are you per chance connected to a different provider with the roaming.


Kind regards, Sven

Hello @MrTony ,

the simcard in your mobile phone is using roaming as it is a o2 UK card from what I understand. You are also connected to o2 here, or are you per chance connected to a different provider with the roaming.


Kind regards, Sven

Hi Sven,

My UK O2 mobile was connected to the O2 DE network at the time I took the screenshots.

Hello @MrTony ,

which model of HomeSpot are you using? I’m guessing that maybe your phone is also using 5G unlike the HomeSpot and that this is causing the difference in speed, because the actual numbers concerning the signal that are being shown in your HomeSpot look fine.


Kind regards, Sven

Yes my phone is 5G and the home spot is 4G - however that does not explain the disparity between my homespot operating at a speed of 1.77Mbps when it was advertised as, and has in the past delivered speeds closer to 50mbps (which is what my mobile phone is delivering consistently when connected to either 4G or 5G)

Hello @MrTony ,

if you can try, maybe position the Homespot at a different window and keep other electric devices away from it, as the only indicator that’s not showing good numbers is the RSRQ which shows that there is some manner of interference, but everything else looks really good in terms of the connection, so I don’t think that this is a network issue.


Kind regards, Sven

Hello @MrTony ,

we haven’t heard anything from you again, I hope you were able to achieve a better connection with your HomeSpot and that your internet is up and running. If there is anything else that we can do for you, please let us know.


Kind regards, Sven

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