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I called several times to a hotline and every time I was given different and false information.

I simply need to change my address for Home Spot, without changing *any* conditions of my contract and with all the discounts applied (Junge Leute etc.). The contract is Home Spot M 50Mb unlimited, from 2022. 50Mb speed is available at my new address. But for some reason, the new offer that was sent to me after the hotline call is 1) limited to 100GB,  2) has speed of max 10Mb, and 3) more expensive on top of everything (??). How can I finally get the same service that is stated in my contract but at a new address?


edit o2_Solveig 03.02.2023, 09:30 Uhr verschoben von Mobilfunk → English o2 Community : Mobile 

Hello @BK12 

The Homespot can only be used for the address you provided when concluding the contract. If you want to change this, you need a new check by O2 and accordingly a new contract.

Best wishes 


Hello @BK12, welcome at our community.

I am glad witty already gave you an answer fast 😊

If you have further questions, we are happy to hear from you.

Kind regards, Ines.

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