You should be able to order Try it here
Thanks for the response @dSkill !
One additional question, when buying it from the link you’ve shared I am required to put a phone number. This purchase will not replace my existing plan with o2, right?
Also, I wonder how people without an existing phone number would be able to purchase a SIM if o2 required a phone number to buy a SIM but that’s another story…
Dear @fernando_q ,
welcome to our community.
Nice that @dSkill has already been able to give you the right link. Thanks a lot.
These Prepaidorders have nothing to do with your postpaid contract, they are stand-alone prepaidcontracts.
You can also get a prepaidcard in a shop, I think there you don’t need an existing phonenumber.
Kind regards,
Hi @o2_Andrea ,
That sounds great! I will complete my order for the prepaid SIMs then. Thank you very much!
Have a great day.
Best regards,
Dear @fernando_q ,
always with pleasure.
Feel free to contact us again, if support is needed.
Kind regards,