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Warum O2

Hi community members,

I asked to stop my O2 Flex LTE Home internet on 29th of September, more than 2 weeks passed.


Lieber o2 Kunde, 

hiermit bestätigen wir Ihnen den Eingang Ihrer Kündigung vom 29.09.2022 um 11:41:05 Uhr.


However I have no response and it becomes worrying. Two weeks is quite too much for simply confirming the termination of a FLEX tariff.

How could I clarify that there is some work in this direction and not “we did not receive your kundigung” or “we called you to learn the details, you did not respond so we cancelled your kundigung”?

Edit o2_Matze 18.10 19:00 Moved from Broadband to mobile

Hello @GDem, your Flex contract will end on November 15, 2022. :)

Did you still noch receive anything about the cancelation?

Best regards


Hi @o2_Steffen , thanks a lot! No, nothing yet. Cool, that means someone already checked it!

@o2_Steffen warum erst zum 15.11.22? 🤔


Die Kündigung ist am 29.9.22 eingegangen und die Kündigungsfrist ist genau 1 Monat...


Hi @Sächsin , I think the payment date for me is 15th. I guess O2 can’t divide the payment into parts, so I have to make +1 monthly payment, not +0.5 =) 

Oh doch, das kann o2…

Im Screen oben steht eindeutig 

"Kündigung jederzeit mit einer Frist von 1 Monat"

Und das hat mit dem Abrechnungszeitraum den o2 ja festsetzt,  absolut nix zu tun!

Hello @GDem and hello @Sächsin,

I will have the termination date checked and corrected. As Sächsin wrote, the correct cancellation date would be exactly one month after you sent in the cancellation form. I will check it again within the next days and inform you as soon as I have new information.

Best regards


@o2_Giulia hi Giulia, thank you, that’s fine, I think it does not affect the amount of money to be charged. I don’t use this SIM card anyway, there is no LTE signal at my home.

Hello @GDem,

the confimation with the correct termination date is on its way to you now.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Best regards and have a nice weekend 😊


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