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Warum O2

I got my phone on 19 July with 24 contract, and I still did not get any bill from O2. do I have to do something else?


Edit o2_Sven 08.08.2024/14:39: Moved thread from o2 Mobilfunk: Rechnung to English o2 Community: Mobile and changed title

Hello @miriam50 ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

We generally bill retroactively, so if this is your first contract you’ll get the bill a bit after a month after the beginning of the contract. So that’s nothing out of the ordinary.


Kind regards, Sven


So I should expect the first bill to be in September or 19 of August ?

Hello @miriam50 ,

if you started your contract on the 19th of July, then the billing period would be until the 18th of August and a bit after that you’d then get the bill for that month.


Kind regards, Sven

later you´ll find your invoice(s) and your billing plan in your “MeinO2” area, if you´ve registered your contract

@miriam50 as Libertas has already pointed out to you very well, you will soon be able to see the invoices in Mein o2. Is everything OK so far? If you have any further questions or if everything has been clarified, please let us know.

Kind regards, Lea

all clear, thanks a lot 

@miriam50 I'm glad, thank you for your feedback. If you have any further questions in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us in the community.💙

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