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Warum O2


First I do apologize for writing in English. My German language is not the best to describe my issue. 

I have an issue to activate the replacement esim card I ordered for my new iphone. It gives the following message

“Aus technischen Gründen können Ihre Daten derzeit nicht vollständig geladen werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erneut.”

I tried to order a second eSIM, but it’s also not working. 

Can you please advise how can I solve this issue? 




Edit o2_Vivian: verschoben SIM-Karte → o2 English Community: Mobile


Hi @saffey


welcome to our English Community. I am happy to help you with the activation of an eSIM. 


In your data, I already see one eSIM activated with the sim-card-number -950 at the end. 


Is your issue therefore already clarified, or do you like to activate a 2nd eSIM for the same number? In this case, please order a Multicard and change it then to an eSIM. You find a video-description here: 


If you have any further questions, just let me know. 


Loving greetings,



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