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Warum O2

Dear o2 team,


I have received an email from you stating that my contract will be cancelled “in advance to June 30, 2021”. This is the message i got:

“For the early cancellation of your contract we will charge you as agreed 50,64 EUR. This amount and arising mobile phone expenses such as connections and the proportional basic charge until the actual deactivation date will be charged afterwards. For this reason you will still receive invoices after the expiration of your contract. On your invoice you can find the connection period.”


My two year contract would actually end on 2 Feb 2022.

So does “actual deactivation date” means 2 Feb 2022 or 30 June 2021 as per this message?

And on top of the 50,64 EUR, what is the “proportional basic charge here”? Isn’t the 50,64 EUR my three months advance fee here? Or am I supposed to pay 50, 64 EUR for early termination and ALSO my basic fee till February? Because if that is the case, I am being charged way More than would have been the case if I had cancelled my contract normally. I hope that this is not the case but if it is so, then I am very much disgusted by your policy. What is the purpose of early termination if I have to pay my bills till the actual date anyway? It doesn’t make any sense at all.

I hope I am mistaken here. And, if that is the case, I apologize in advance. 

Are you leaving the country and have requested early termination? In that case you would pay as normal until the date the cancellation becomes effective (June 30th) and then an amount equivalent to three months basic charge as 'compensation' for the early termination. Does that explain the 50.64?

Dear bs0,


Thank you very much for your reply.


Yes, I have applied for early termination due to moving abroad. I don’t mind paying 50,64 as a compensation charge. What was unclear to me was the phrase ‘actual deactivation date’. But that may be a translation problem too. 


So what I understood from your reply is that I will be charged the 50,64 Euro as a three months fee and whatever is my basic monthly charge for this month (June 1-30). If this is the case, I have no problem in paying the amount.

What I was worried about was that they are asking me to pay the total sum of my monthly basic fee from June till February (end of my 24 months contract - which I was considering as the “actual termination date”). If that is not the case, I kindly request you to confirm this.


Also, can you tell me by when should I be expecting my Final invoice, if the termination date is 30 june 2021?



Just to avoid any misunderstandings: you are communicating with other customers here.

With early termination due to moving abroad you do not have to pay until the end of the 24 month term (as that would effectively make the early termination pointless as you said). The ‘actual deactivation date’ (probably not the best translation) would be 30th June in your case because that is when your contract will actually end.

The final invoice will be issued at the same time in July that it would normally be issued and should include all charges up to 30.06. and the 50.64.

Thank you for the confirmation and clarity.

You seem pretty authoritative on everything that you’ve said, so I do take your word on it.

But yes, I would like to wait for an official o2 team member to confirm what you’ve said.

Just to  clarify: I didn’t translate the email. It originally came in English but for some reason it felt like whoever has written it has used a German to English translator.  


Thank you once again. 

Hi @harsha96 :relaxed:


But yes, I would like to wait for an official o2 team member to confirm what you’ve said.


Here comes the official confirmation. :blush::thumbsup:  It’s like bs0 said. Overall the amount includes all charges until the end of july.


Best regards and thanks a lot @bs0!



Dear @o2_Michi

Thank you very much for the official confirmation. I hope you meant ‘all charges until the end of June’ and not July (as my termination date is 30 June 2021). 

And yes, once again thanks a lot to @bs0 for the prompt solution! 


Best regards,




Hi Harsha,


sorry my mistake, yes I meant june of course. :blush::wink:


Best regards,


No worries, thank you once again for the clarification :)

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