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Warum O2

I had visited spain for 3 days in October and I thought since my monthly plan covers EU region, I happened to use my mobile Internet.

Next month I received an 100 euros extra bill for those charges which was very surprising as spain is a part of EU and I did not get any notification regarding the extra charges. Additionally, since it is a prepaid monthly plan, either the company should have not provided services or informed me about it.

Kindly let me know how can I deal with this situation as 100 euros is quite a big amount.


Edit by o2_Katja: Moved to our english community



Whats on the Bill?

Have you been on a ship? Have you been on a Ferry?

What kind of tariff did you have? Did you call special numbers?

You can call the english Support.

O2 Service in English

Our English speaking postpaid and landline support for you. We are happy to assist you.

089 66 66 30 08 1**german landline rates

Monday till Friday 10 am - 6 pm


Kind regards

Hi @AB2394 

welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Did you arrive in Spain by aeroplane on September 24th? This might probably a hint getting into airport wifi without any warning. It’s like the question of @der Giuseppe about ferries or cruise ships. These often provide their own access to WLAN but it is not charged with your EU flatrate.

Can you give us more details?




Thanks for the reply. I travelled to spain on October 3rd. 

And I haven't travelled in any ship or cruise

Please find the attached photo of the invoice for details. Request to kindly look into it as my internet and calling services are stopped currently 



have you been anywhere else except Spain? I just mentioned September 24th because this is the date of causing this costs? And it is not Spain because this country is included in your tariff?

Did you check your itemized bill for details?


I had been to Croatia in 3rd week of September.  But there was no service for most of the time. And I did not receive notification for any roaming charges.

I am unable to call the english helpline as all my services are barred and cannot make calls. 



Where have you been in croatia? Near the border with Serbia, for example? The calculated connections show that you were outside the EU or in a transmission tower outside the EU.



I went to Croatia via Bosnia. The travel time in bosnia was around 2-3 hours. And there was no service connection at all.  I was extremely surprised to receive the bill close to 100 euros



There is the solution. The connections were established in Bosnia or in the Bosnian network. 

even if it goes unnoticed, the connections cost. Even kilometers behind the border, for example in Croatia, the cell phone is still booked in, for example, Bosnia. Therefore, it is considered a connection outside the EU


That's really sad to hear. I did not get any cell reception and I had no notification regarding this. And charging almost that high is really insane. I am very much upset with this service. :(

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