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I have been getting this error message since early this morning as I try to log in into “Mein O2”. Can you please inform me whether is this a general issue or something wrong in my profile? I just recently updated my Credit, hence there should be enough Credit for my current package. (my German is not very advanced yet, I am using translator for the part below)

ich erhalte seit heute früh diese Fehlermeldung. Können Sie mir bitte mitteilen, ob es sich um ein allgemeines Problem oder einen Fehler in meinem Profil handelt? Ich habe erst vor kurzem mein Guthaben aktualisiert, daher sollte genug Guthaben für mein aktuelles Paket vorhanden sein.


“Entschuldigung Aufgrund technischer Probleme können Ihre Daten derzeit leider nicht geladen werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erneut.  Ihr O2 Team”




Edit by o2_Andrea: verschoben von Mein o2, o2 Online & Email zu o2 English Community: Mobile

Dear @mhgh ,


welcome in our o2 community. :grinning:

It is fine to write in english here.

Do you still have problems with your Prepaid-Login or does it work well again?


Kind regards,


@mhgh Is correct There are issues  such as “"Sorry Due to technical issues, your data cannot be loaded at this time. Please try again at a later time. Your O2 Team”

The issues should be given over to the system administrator. I have notice many times the portal at O2 has problems with technical errors. I have similar problem with O2 music I have posted about this before still waiting for a response in this forum.

  It seems problems occurs  during peak load on the server or at night. Next time the site goes down I’m going to post a  screen grab.

The system administrator should look at the network load on the server and to check for any bugs or failed system upgrades.



Dear @mhgh ,


welcome in our o2 community. :grinning:

It is fine to write in english here.

Do you still have problems with your Prepaid-Login or does it work well again?


Kind regards,



Hi Andrea, thanks for your message. After opening this thread, the error was gone in half an hour. I assume @ukguy is right, it was just an issue causing of server problems. Now, all good :)


Thanks for writing to both of you!!


@mhgh thanks foryour feedback and your kind words.

Have a nice weekend, stay safe and all the best,

Regards Matze 

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