hope everyone will be doing ok. Actually i have a contract with O2 and is going to end in coming January and i do not want to extend my contract. So i want to know in advance what steps i have to take so that i do not have to pay after my contract ends in January. Thanks in advance for you time.
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@awan_U Please cancel your contract online over link down.
welcome to the o2 community and thank you for your contribution!
As Joe Doe has already written, you have the option of cancelling your contract directly online. Please note: your cancellation should be made at least 3 months before the end of the contract, otherwise your contract will be extended again by one month. Do you want to terminate the contract and then no longer use a contract from us? Or are you interested in a consultation/contract extension?
Kind regards Jessi
thanks @o2_Jessica for your answer. Yes i did applied on that form for contract cancellation and the answer i received is as follow.
Guten Tag, Sie möchten eine Option zu Ihrer Rufnummer nicht mehr nutzen? Ihre Angabe im Kündigungsformular lässt sich keiner kündbaren Option zuordnen. Ein Tipp: Unter o2.de/meino2 können Sie Ihre Optionen und Zusatzpakete schnell und einfach verwalten und auch kündigen. Oder vermerken Sie im Online-Formular eine ausführliche Optionsbeschreibung. Ihr o2 Team.
so please now tell me what should i do? Thanks in advance
Hello @awan_U,
it looks like you accidentally clicked on the wrong option to cancel. Under the link, you first have to enter all your personal data, of course.
Then you have to select the option you want to cancel. Since you have the complete contract, you select the option I marked in yellow:
You have to select or fill in everything I have marked in yellow. Under “Rufnummer” (second digit marked yellow) you enter the corresponding call number that belongs to the contract.
If you have selected all of the above, this is the termination for the entire contract.
Enter your E-mail address. We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.
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