Warum O2

digital invoice for prepaid topup

  • 17 February 2024
  • 1 Antwort
  • 14 Aufrufe

Hi, I need help getting a digital invoice for a prepaid top-up payment I made this Jan and Feb. It is nowhere to be found within my online account (or at least I'm unable to locate it).

How do I go about getting such an invoice? Many thanks.
Edit o2_Bianca 19.02. 10:12Uhr: Moved from Mobilfunk Vertrag&Tarife to English o2 Community mobile


Lösung von o2_Giulia 20 February 2024, 13:01

Zur Antwort springen

1 Antwort

Hello @Jing Deng,

welcome to our o2 Community 😀

A normal invoice is not actually provided for prepaid credit top-ups.

If you need your invoices for the tax office, for example, you can request them directly from our Prepaid Hotline or Prepaid Chat.

Best regards


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