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Hi all,

I'm trying to find the number of O2 customer service with no success.

I urgently need someone who speaks English in order to sort an issue with my monthly invoice.

Can someone help me with this?

Thanks a lot,



I have moved from Berlin to Stuttgart and I have bring my Fritbox6660 to my new apartement but I don't have WIFI as the power/cable light keeps flashing. I have tried for two days to fix it on my own reading different sites- I have entered and restart but still not working. 

Unfortunately, as a foreigner that doesn't speak German seems like o2 is not able to support if it’s not between the limited timeframe they have. When its about taking the money out of my bank there’s no issues but, when is about helping to solve an issue literally no answers. 


Can someone support here?


Thank you,


@Sainz Did you apply for your move with o2 and if so, when was that exactly?

Hi @Joe Doe,


I called them end of February for them to know my new address. 

I moved end of March and unfortunately I needed an adaptor to be able to connect the router. A friend called them to explain I needed the adaptor and they confirmed I would have it in 2-3 days. After 5 days, my friend called them again and the adaptor was not even been shipped yet as they had to “clear the issue” 

After waiting 6 days, today I have received it in my new address but now internet is not working. Ive tried everything ( but nothing. As the English Line doesn't work on Saturdays I have no idea how to have this fixed.

Please, let me know if you can help me here


Thank you,



@Sainz can you login in the Fritzbox and look what stand under Internet/Cable Information/Overview?

@Joe Doe this is what looks like


@Sainz I mean Internet/Kabel Informationen/Übersicht 

@Joe Doe can you let me know how can I find this?

@Joe Doe see below


@Sainz No line. You must call the hotline. 🙄

@Joe Doe can you schedule me an appointment with a technician? 

@Sainz No. I am only a customer like you. 

@Joe Doe ah sorry!! And do you think this is an issue that can be solved easily? Or looks like a big problem? Thank you!

@Sainz I really recommend that tomorrow your German speaking friend call the hotline and say that no line is detected by the Fritzbox. You need a ticket number for the problem With this (not post the ticket number public here) an o2 Moderator can help you.

Thank you very much for your help!

Hi @Sainz,
I´m glad that Joe Doe could help you. Were you able to clarify your request by phone through a German speaking friend?
Thank you Joe Doe for supporting us and giving the right info.

Kind regards

Hi @o2_Larissa,

A technician came and solved the issue but today again I don’t have internet for the same issue. I don’t have any German friends that can now call O2 and ask again a technician to come and solve the issue. Please, can you support here?


Thank you,


It’s incredible that there’s no English support during the weekend! Do they think that only Germans need 24/7 support? I’ve never been in a company that mistreats their international customers like this… 

Dear @Sainz ,

welcome back in our community. 🦋

I can see that you have just contacted our customer service. Were they able to help you?

Kind regards,


Hi all,

I want my account to be “on hold” for at least 4-6 months. 

I saw here how to do it, but my O2 app is not working. Please consider this text to act immediately.


Hi @soe4 thanks for contacting us. 

If the o2 App is not working, please try to login on our webpage and try to order it directly in your Mein o2 Area.

kindly regards

Hi @o2_micha

I was in one of the O2 offices today, but they told me they are not able to support me.

Can you please take this message as official request to freeze my account for the next 6 months, and I will reactivate it once I’m back in Germany? I have a contract in 3rd world country, I can’t use internet, and I don’t want to pay 6 months services for not using it at all.

Please assist me.

Thank you in advance for your support.



Hi @soe4 thanks for your request. Unfortunately this service is only able to order online. Please login on with your phonenumber and switch to your Mein o2 Area. There you will be able to order a “Vertragsstilllegung”

If you have any trouble with this process, please write here, our experts will be able to provide you with the necessary hints. :)

kindly regards

Hi @o2_Micha 

Thanks for sharing. The only option that does not work on your website is actually that one: Vertragsstilllegung. I am not able to complete my request. Please offer another way.



Hello @soe4 ,

what kind of contract do you have? The “Vertragsstillegung” to freeze a contract for a duration is only avaiable to mobile contracts like the o2 Free variants. If you have a my Home contract with us, then this option is not avaiable to you.


Kind regards, Sven

Hi @o2_Sven - Sorry for my late reply. I have only internet via SIM card and router.

I want to freeze my account from July - October (at least).

Please assist, I still receive bills.



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