Warum O2

customer number for prepaid account

  • 24 September 2019
  • 4 Antworten
  • 253 Aufrufe

Hi Team,

i am a prepaid customer my number is 176xxxx5617. i would like to my customer number


Edit by o2_Tatjana: moved thread to an other category

Lösung von Anonymous 26 September 2019, 14:06

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4 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Hey @Deva123,

welcome to the o2 community. 😊

Could you discribe your question a bit more detailed?

Best regards, Tatjana
Hi Tatjana,

I wanted to know My customer ID / number (Kunden nummer) of my prepaid number 176xxxx5617, as it is required for applying MNP.

Prepaid contracts do not have a customer number. The customer number is only important when porting a mobile phone number from a business contract and must be specified for MNP.

Simply do not fill out the Customer Number field.
Benutzerebene 7
Hey @Deva123,

good to see that @TBCMagic could answer your question.

Are there any other questions?

Best regards, Tatjana

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