Warum O2

Contract was terminated but I still received a bill

I received my contract on 22.09 for the 30.11. 

I got the confirmation from o2 but I got a bill for December!

This needs to be fixed ASAP as I moved out of Germany and this will seem as a credit on my bank.



And it seems as internet usage on the new one:

Leistungszeitraum 03.12.2023 - 02.01.2024

Edit o2_Cora 09.01.24: Personal data removed


Lösung von o2_Solveig 10 January 2024, 11:08

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14 Antworten


Correction, I cancelled my contract on 22.09.2023 for 30.11.2023.

Even though o2 billed me for december. 

And I was a customer more than 2.5 years, I was paying monthly, I didn’t have any obligation.

Hello @dclcnrhabs,

please do not share any personal data here, as this is a public forum.

The letter only serves as confirmation that we have received your notice of termination. We will then check whether it can be complied with.

Did you already receive a confirmation of termination? 

Best regards

Hi Cora,

Yes, I did. As an email and as a letter.

If you can share me a email address, I can send them to you.

Best Regards,


Hello @dclcnrhabs

could you share a screenshot of the termination confirmation here?

But please remove your personal data first.

Best regards 

In addition to this, I have the letter that I shared in the beginning.

Also I received a mail from O2 but it is with my stuff, transferring from germany to my home at the moment.

Can’t you see my request in your system?

I was paying it monthly and I had the right to cancel it with one-month notice and my request was received on September 22 and the desire date was Novembre 30.



I double checked it now and it is with the truck on the way. Can’t estimate when it will be delivered.

Can you please can’t you see it in the system? 

Hello @dclcnrhabs ,

the only thing that you’ve shown so far is that we’ve received your cancellation request but not the actual confirmation for the deactivation of your contract. If this never happened, then your contract is probably still active and as such of course is also generating bills.


Kind regards, Sven

For what reason you didn’t do that?

It says you will contact me if needed. So far, I didn’t receive a call or email!

I had the right to cancel it with one month notice, I informed you two months in advance.

See what you wrote me:

•    Vertragsbeginn: 22.03.2021
•    Ende Mindestvertragslaufzeit: 21.03.2023
•    Ihre Kündigungsfrist beträgt 1 Monat zum Ablauf der Mindestvertragslaufzeit.
•    Spätester Kündigungseingang: 21.02.2023
•    Bei Nichtkündigung verlängert sich Ihr Vertrag automatisch und kann jederzeit mit einer Frist von 1 Monat gekündigt werden.


You should be able to see when you check my account!

If you didn’t terminate my contract, this is your problem, not mine.

I am already out of Germany! I already removed my registration. For what reason, you can keep my contract!

What are you? Fraud?

I will never pay this one or future ones!

Your fault, you fix it!

You didn’t do your job!

You are not providing any solutions!

I am not in Germany, so there is no solution.

I am sorry for the date I started using o2!

Hello @dclcnrhabs ,
I am sorry that there has been a misunderstanding here.
We sent you a letter with the following content directly on the same day after you sent us your cancellation. 

Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing that you are no longer in Germany and that you are apparently not receiving our mail.
The letter has not been returned. 
We are happy to switch to private messages so that we can check your details again.
As a gesture of goodwill, I can then cancel your contract with 5 days' notice. 
Kind regard,

Dear Solveig, 

pls do it asap and let me know.

After getting your confirmation, i ll adjust payment method for you to get the money.

It is a shame that you have not canceled it even if I took information via my bill. 


And in addition to that, I am trying to enter my credit card, so you can get the money.

However, I can’t enter it. Can you help on this one too?

The account in the system is not valid anymore.

Hello @dclcnrhabs ,
I will write you a private message from our mailbox @o2_Support 
Kind regard, 

Hello @dclcnrhabs ,
it took a while, but everything is fine now. 🌸
I wish you all the best for the future.
Kind regard,

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