I have terminated my contract last May and i was told that the effectivity of the termination would be on June 12. At June 12 my mobline phone connection was cut already. How ever come July 6 i am still receiving a billing/invoices in an international rate given that i am already outside Germany. It is really frustrating that i want to pay my invoice but afraid that next month i will be having one again. I want to ask how can i get a termination confirmation. Thank you in advance for the answer.
An invoice is always created for the previous billing period. Do you have access to your invoice? Then please check the period of time that is charged.
I just saw that you asked this question in another thread. It continues there:
Kind regards, Ines.
Thank you for replying on my inquiries.
this is a clip of the invoice i have recieved this July 6 together with the figure i need to pay, I am not that good in German and i dont clearly understand what is written. I hope you can give me an idea about it. I really just want to know if this would be my Final and last invoice and if my connection is already terminated before i pay my bill. Because the transaction fee for money transfer internationally in my country is very costly, that is why i just wanted to make sure that after this i wont recieved anymore invoice that i need to pay again. Thank you in advance for your feedback.
here are the other clip from my current
I have accidentally press the check key, however my problem is not yet solved. please i hope you can help me with this.
Please take a look at the date. Your contract ended on June 13th, so there will still be services until June 12th. Also a direct debit came back, which was also charged to you here.
Kind regards, ines
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