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Im one year into my contract and was in the app and saw I could extend my contract with a new phone. If I did it I would have 2 phones for the price posted?


edit o2_Solveig 07.03.2023, 11:37 Uhr verschoben von Mobilfunk → English o2 Community : Mobile 

2 phones? If you buy a new phone when you extend your mobile contract this will not affect the payments for a phone you have already. If you still have installments to pay for the first phone, you will pay for two phones every month until the first one has been paid in full.

Hello @Yukonhermit ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

As bs0 already explained if you were to extend your contract now and order a new phone, then you’d be paying off two phones until the first one was completed. If you have any further questions about the extension or phone contracts, please let us know.


Kind regards, Sven

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