Hello @Mikayo,
Unfortunately, I can't check whether your cancellation has been entered, as you are not registered here in the forum with your telephone number. But you can also check on your own whether your cancellation has been entered. You can find the information as follows:
You can check the status on the homepage via "My o2".
If you go to "Tariff & Contract" and on the following page, where the tariff is displayed, click on "More >", an area with the contract term will open up.
If it says "gekündigt zum: ", then a termination has been entered.
If this doesn't work for you or you can't find it, please let us know here again. Then we'll get you into the private messages for the exchange of further data so that we can check with you.
Kind regards
Hi Jessica,
Thank you so much for the quick response.
I am not sure it has been canceled. Please can you help me check . If cancelled, I would need a written confirmation of the cancellation by post. Thank you.
i also have a Home-Auftrag/O2 My Home Produkte and would like to cancel that too. As since Nov 4 I am still without internet. Please could you help me with that too ? Or how can I do that ? I would also need a written confirmation of this by post . Thank you.
Thank you once again.
Hi @Mikayo
your cancellation request was successful for both mobile phone numbers. They are going to be cancelled in March 2022.
About your DSL contract there is nothing shown in your account. If there are technical problems did you try our DSL Hilfe App
You can install it on your smartphone and analyse your connectivity. When you finally checked everything you probably get a ticket ID and a direct line to our technical department.
You may cancel the contract due to technical reasons if the technicians didn’t succeed repairing it.
If the contract has a monthly period you can terminate it within a 30 days notice.
Are you signed in at Mein o2 for this contract? Then you can do it the same way like you did with your mobile phones.
Hi ,
Thank you for confirming the cancellation. If true then I would like to request a written confirmation of the cancellation. This written confirmation should be sent via post. Thank you.
Regarding the DSL, the technician never showed up to install the DSL in my room . I have been out of internet since I arrived in my new Appartement also since signed the contract in November.
I am not sure I’m signed to Mein O2 for the DSL. I have tried my best to wait for O2 for a reasonable solution that fits my schedule but I have not received anything and I am not sure there will be a fit . Therefore, I want to cancel the contract as soon as possible . I don’t have Mein O2 for this so please help me out .
Thank you a lot and have a good start to the week.
Hi @Mikayo
In this case best way is ask for a cancelation of your DSL contract is to send a written letter to our customer service. The address is:
Telefonica o2
90345 Nürnberg
Our colleages will get back to you via letter.
Best Regards Matze