Warum O2

Contract Cancellation

I am a existing customer who is new to Germany, and I signed up with o2 in august 2020 for a mobile only plan - and through the app I’ve ordered a new device and with it a new plan - now I’m worried that I’ve activated a second line, instead of changing my existing contract. I was hoping to find out if I can undue this second line, to only have a phone delivered on the existing phone line, or if this is not possible, how much it would cost to cancel the mobile only line so I’m not paying for two phone lines. 



EDIT: verschoben in Englisch  o2_Maria

3 Antworten

Hello @iConDE, welcome at our community. Nice to have you here.

If you have made a new, second, contract, we would send you a SIM-Card via letter, you would see it online and we would send you a mail with the text: vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für O2 entschieden haben.

Did you get any of this? It is possible to withdraw a new contract within 14 days. Please have a look at your mails and look for Widerrufsbelehrung.

Kind regards, Ines.



I did receive and yes it is a new contract. But I just wish to cancel one of the numbers. How can I do that?

Hi @iConDE, please send your revocation to the following EMailaddress: widerruf@cc.o2online.de

Kind Regards, Ines.

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