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Warum O2

I want to try conference call with my o2 sim card, but failed. I am not sure if this feature is activated or not. 

Is there someone here can help me to check it? If it is currentlydeactivated, please help to activate it. Thanks in advance!

edit o2_Manga: verschoben von SIM Karte zu Englisch

Hi @Jeff Hong 

please avoid double postings due to our Netiquette.

You an answer right here.


Hello, How can I use the Conference call' service on my mobile phone? Does it cost extra? Or included in my tarriff?


Could you please activate for me also??
Thanks in advance for your help..

Hi @vickydsv ,


the conference function is not available for prepaid cards, I’m afraid, hence we can’t activate it for your number. :frowning2:

Regarding the the costs: Postpaid contracts pay for the call according to the costs of the calls tariff.


Best regards,


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