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  • 8 April 2020
  • 1 Antwort
  • 102 Aufrufe

I have a problem with o2. I have the student connection which was said that it will cut 19.99 Euro per month. But my connection is cutting 34.99 euro per month. Also I was supposed have 20gb of internet per month. But this month after only using 2.29gb my mobile internet is not working at all. Please let me know how to deal with it in this dire situation as I couldn’t go outside to any customer care center. 

1 Antwort

Hi @Nahian141,


welcome to our English community.


Thanks for your request concerning your tariff “o2 Free M Boost”.


When you ordered this contract in October 2019 in one of our shops, you received a young people-discount of 15 €. Therefore, at the beginning your basic fee was only 19,99 € per month. Please be aware of the fact that you need to confirm the young people benefits within 21 days after activation of your card.


Do you still go to school or to university? As you are not anymore under 28 years, you do not fulfill the requirements for receiving the young people-benefits.


As we did not receive a confirmation from you within 21 days, your tariff was changed to the standard-tariff on 28th November 2019. At that date you lost your young-people-discount of 15 € and you were charged with the amount of 34,99 €.


If you like to get back the young people-benefits you need to prolong again your contract for 24 months.

The question is only if you still fulfill the requirements in order to get the young people-benefit.


Alternatively, we also can check if you can get a nice offer with a discount by prolonging your contract again.


Please check if you already see an offer online .


If you have any further questions, just feel free to come back to us.


Loving greetings,


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