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I have a contract card O2 that will end, I want to buy prepaid O2 jahrespaket . Can I change their numbers between them? Do I have to pay?

I have a contract card O2 that will end, I want to buy prepaid O2 jahrespaket . Can I change their numbers between them?

Topics merged / o2_Antje



Hello @ElDddr thank you for your post 💙
What kind of tarifplan do you have? Postpaid, or prepaid?

kindly regards

my contract start 05.juli.2020 finish 04 juli 2022 this tel. nummer i want to remove to prepaid jarespaket.

Hi @ElDddr if i am understand your request right, you want to switch the prepaid tarifplan to the Jahrespaket plan, is this right?
In your Mein o2 area on our website and in our Mein o2 App move to your tarifplan and click on options. There you can see, if this change is possible.
Else you have to order a new “Freikarte” with a new number to order the Jahreskarte.

kindly regards 

@o2_Micha : Jetzt mal auf Deutsch für dich.


Der TE will seine Mobilfunknummer von einem Postpaid Vertrag auf einen Prepaid Karte mit dem Jahrestarif mitnehmen. Und er fragt, wie er es bewerkstelligen kann.


Und auch für dich: Außerdem kann man auf die “normalen” o2 Prepaid Karten den Jahrestarif nicht buchen. Er muss es direkt so bestellen.



@tearsbeforecrying thanks for your feedback. It would be great, if you are posting your hints directly within the thread.

@ElDddr if you want to switch to a prepaid contract, you should cancel your postpaid contract. 
Then you should order a prepaid contract with the “Jahrestarif” at the hotline or online on our website.
If the prepaid Contract is registered and activated, you can order the portation of your mobie number by using this form. #

Please feel welcome if you have any further requests.

kindly regards

Thanks a lot.
Now I saw that only the date of birth was confused.
Where to call to correct?

Hello @ElDddr,


for changing the date of birth we need a letter from you with the copy of your identity card. Please notice in your letter the phone number of your contract and the number of your customer account.


Best regards, Marco



Can you write wich email I must send copy of my identity card?

Hi @ElDddr,


please send the letter per post to the customer service address.


Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
90345 Nürnberg


Best regards, Marco


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