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Warum O2


I would like to change my package from 20 GB to 5GB a month. Is it possible to change it in the app? 


Jackline Justine Swai

Hello @Jayrmbme, welcome at our community.

If you use prepaid, you can just book an other tariff.

If you have a contract, i have a few things to know first. Did you book a data package with 20GB or is it included in your tariff?

Kind regards, Ines.

Hello @o2_Ines, I booked a data package with 20 gb not tariff included.

Kind regards,

Jackline Justine Swai

Hi @Jayrmbme, thanks for the quick answer.

I had a look at your contract. Your tariff o2 Free M includes 20 GB. So we can´t change the included data volume.

But when its time for a contract extension, I am sure we can make you a good offer. :slight_smile:

Kind reagrds, Ines.

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