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Warum O2

Hi O2 Team,

I recently moved to a new building, but it seems like your system doesn’t recognise it. Can you help to update it? Since I am afraid newer rechnung will be delivered to my old address. 

Looking forward to your reply!





Hey @groceryart ,
thank you so much for your message. I’m happy to help.
Check out this Link to find out how to change your adress➡️ Mein o2 | O₂ Community (
You can change your adress easily in Mein o2 or in the Mein o2 App.  
Please let me know, if you are using none of the suggested tools.
We then have to use @o2_Support to exchange your personal data safely, so that I can change your adress manually. 



Best, Matea

Hi @o2_Matea @o2_Support 


Thank you for your reply! I tried changing it from the app and the web. both cannot proceed because it says "Ihre Adresse ist ungültig." when I input the address. I think I will need your help to change my address manually. 




Hey @groceryart ,
so here is the solution to your question.
I’m going to contact you via privat message @o2_Support.
Please answer the privat massege and send me your( PKK- Private Kundenkennzahl) for reason of identification.
Furthermore pls send me your old and your new adress, so that I can verify and change your adress manually.
Do not share your private Information in this public Thread. Via private Message only. It is the only save way to exchange private date.
See and read you via pn!
Best, Matea

Hey @groceryart ,
I wanted to check on you. Did you get my message via o2_support and do you still need support?
Best Matea

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