Warum O2

Cell Phone Service Termination - Leaving Germany on 21 Juni 2021

  • 15 February 2021
  • 8 Antworten
  • 117 Aufrufe

Hello.  I put in for a notice of Termination on 1 of our 2 cell numbers which requires me to make contact in 10 days.  but may be too early but have heard when leaving Germany, we are supposed to request termination months in advance.  We do not leave until 21 Juni 2021 and want to keep the service until then and can accept ending at the end of that billing cycle which may be about 2 Juli 2021.  My 2-year contract has already ended so I may be too early to request termination.  


Edit by o2_Katja: Verschoben in unseren Englischbereich


Lösung von bs0 15 February 2021, 14:44

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8 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

If you want to request early good will termination because you are leaving the country, you should use this form:



Edit: o2_Dennis 09.02.23 / link updated


Thank you.  Do I do one form for each Cell Number?   Also, what type of documents do you require to support these two items:

the de-registration confirmation of your previous place of residence
- the registration certificate of your new place of residence abroad
Thank you
Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

o2 needs the deregistration certificate from your current place of residence. You won’t be able to get this until seven days before you actually move out. You also need a document that confirms that you are permanently living abroad, e.g. a registration certificate, rental agreement, confirmation from your employer.

I would recommend sending in one form for each contract.

Ok, so if I get those documents on or about 25 May 2021 and send will my service be able to terminate by 30 Juni 2021 and no longer be charged?  I though you need 90 days?   

Who provides this deregistration certificate?  Is it just a statement signed by me?   

I’m US government, will my official PCS travel order take care of the documents to show I’ll be returning to the USA to live?  

Thanks again


Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

You will need to deregister with the city or municipality in which you live and they will give you the certificate.

As this is an early termination, the 90 days actually start from the day you move out as stated on the deregistration certificate. What actualy happens is that the contract ends when you move but you are charged a one-time fee equivalent of 3 months ‘Grundgebühr’.

I can’t tell you whether o2 will accept your PCS travel order, but I would assume so as it is a clear indication of your move there. It is possible that a moderator (o2 employee) can conform this, so maybe wait for one to reply here. At the moment this may take 7 - 10 days.

Ok.  Well that makes no sense that I’d get charged 90 days and have to wait until I move out.  I’m not technically under a contract any longer -- Last invoice shows:  Ende Mindestvertragslaufzeit  17.02.2021  spätester Kündigungseingang shows 17.11.2020

How do People who no longer want your service but Are NOT moving terminate?   Seems unfair I have to wait to provide you a termination of residence and then get a 90 day charge from that date.   Can I just terminate without it being related to Moving?  You can’t make customers stay with your service.  I want it terminated 30 Jun 2021 and giving notice now.   

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

Erm, if you didn’t terminate the contract by 17.11.2020 then of course you are still under contract as the contract extends automatically by 12 months. Ende Mindestvertragslaufzeit = end of minimum contract period and spätester Kündigungseingang  is the last date on which o2 needs to have received your notice of termination.

People who no longer want o2’s service (not my service, I don’t work for o2!) terminate their contracts by giving three months’ notice to the end of the contract period - initially two years and thereafter 12 months.

The 90 day charge is effectively a penalty because you have decided to terminate early and o2 is allowing you to do so. The alternative would be you having to pay until February 2022.

Can I just terminate without it being related to Moving?  You can’t make customers stay with your service.  I want it terminated 30 Jun 2021 and giving notice now. 

Of course you can terminate ordinarily, but then your contract would end in February 2022, even if you give notice now. It seems you are perhaps not aware of the terms of the contract you entered into (?).

Incidentally, o2 also has contracts that can be terminated monthly. They are more expensive but you don’t have to worry about notice periods.

Hello @Davo in Germany, welcome at our community.

Are there any questions left? We are happy to help you. :slight_smile:

Kind regards, Ines.

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