Warum O2

Cant Verify My Email

I have purchased a prepaid plan and had go through the video identification. I received an email that asked me to confirm/ verify my email address. When I press the link, it said the email are not register. So I register with the phone number that I purchased and waited for the SMS code but it did not come. I dont know what can I do


Lösung von o2_Jessica 5 April 2022, 13:54

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2 Antworten

I also cannot verify my email address, What shall I do? I cant use my sim card


Benutzerebene 7

Hello @melisssaaa,

thank you for your enquiry and welcome to the community! 💙

As it is, there were corresponding technical problems.
Did you possibly try it again today?
Did you encounter the same problem?

Kind regards
Jessica 🌻

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