So I have logged in and yesterday i wanted to pick a tariff for myself, after purchasing the simcard from the supermarket. The personal data pages were working when i clicked “mein O2” and under that, I had options to pick a plan. It stated that I had to confirm my email first if i wanted to pick a plan.
Anyways after waiting for a long time for my confirmation email, i clicked on it, and it gave me this error:
Aufgrund technischer Probleme können Ihre Daten in Mein O2 derzeit nicht geladen werden. Bitte probieren Sie es später noch einmal oder versuchen es alternativ in der Mein O2 App.
I figured I would wait but now when i click mein o2 there is no option for my personal data at all! when i click, it returns me to main O2 page. I still have the same confirmation error. and now i cant even see the plans…