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I cannot open my bills. It redirect me to O2 community. Moreover I cannot even login in o2 app via S10 plus. Kindly solve my issue.

Hi @Shuvam


welcome to our English community. 


I am happy to help you to get access to your online-bills. Did you already register yourself at “Mein o2”? 


Just check the instructions here: 


If you have registered at “Mein o2”, you will get access to your newest bill here:


I hope I could help you with this information. 


Loving greetings,


Hi Tobkas,

I have registered and can log in via chrome. But whenever I try to open my bills section it redirects me to O2 community instead. Moreover, when I try to login in my O2 app it gives me an error 403.

Kindly resolve my issue asap. I have seen many people facing the same issue in this community.


Shuvam Gupta

Hi @Shuvam


please register your mobile phone number new under this link: 


I hope that works so that you can check your bills. 


Loving greetings,


Hello Tobias,

Its showing already registered. Kindly solve my problem🙏 please.

Best regards,

Shuvam Gupta

Hi Shuvam, 


thanks for your reply. 


Before I transfer your issue to our technical department, I need some details from you. Therefore, I have just sent a private message via @o2_Support to you. Please reply there to my request. 


Thanks a lot. 


Loving greetings,


Hi @Shuvam ,


if you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact our English community. We are always ready to help you. 


Do you already know PRIORITY ? Take a look :wink:


Kind Regards,



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