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I deactivated on December 23rd megabytes but still asking me to pay megabytes money. what can i do? i can show you messages from u


edit o2_Solveig 12.01.2023, 18:30 Uhr verschoben von o2 Mobilfunk → English o2 Community : Mobile 

Edit: o2 Michi, 13.01.2023, 09:27 Uhr - phone numbers and customer number removed from screenshot.

Hello @Sopio ,

if you look at the notifications that you posted, they all say that the packages of additional data volume are being deactivated in January 2023. The last bill that you received from us covered the time span from 20th November 2022 until 19th Dezember 2022. I can’t find any fault here.


Kind regards, Sven

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