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Warum O2

Hallo, last month as well as now I can't find anywhere the app bonus 500 mb. I contact o2 on Twitter and told me that will be activated manually..I wait for that of the 2 months = 1 gb as last month was not also visible in the app. Thanks 






Edit o2_Giulia, 25.08.2022 10:45 Uhr: moved to English o2 Community: Mobile

Hello @martinvo,

Sorry for the problems with our App Bonus. Our technical team is checking the cause and will hopefully fix the App so you can order it again yourself next time.

I have booked the App Bonus manually for you, a confirmation is on its way via text message.

If you have further questions please let us know.

Best regards


@o2_Giulia  received but it is pending the one of last month as i have not activated as it wasnot also visible in the app.



Hello @martinvo,

glad we were able to help, if you encounter any other issues just drop us a line, we will answer as soon as possible :-)




For THIRD month the 500mb doest not appear anywhere. Every month takes me a lot of time writing here, logging in..please today my bonus


Edit o2_Antje: Mobile Number removed / 17.09.2022 /10:36 Uhr





I am satt. It's the third month where I can't book something that you are offering me..if o2 knows the mistake should repair it. I can't waste more.time every month asking for my rights. Please I wait today for the 500mb activation and that you finally improve



Hellow @martinvo 

Good news: Your 500 mb app bonus runs until September 26th, we have to wait till that date to nenew the option.

So please forgive the inconvenience. I assume you should be able to book the option next week via the Mein o2 App, if not dont hesitate to get back to us here. 

Best Regards Matze 

ok I will write after that date

But I can't see that on the app. I can't guess how many mbs are left.


It's o2 technical problem since 3 months.  

Dear @martinvo ,

I think it is not called App-Bonus, but the 500 MB were booked on August 26th by o2_Giulia. On September 9th you received an Email and SMS, that the 500 MB were nearly used up.

Kind regrads,


So now you can activate my 500 mb..but please fix the's very annoying to spend time asking for something that months ago was available in the app.


I looked everywhere again in the app and there is not visible the option 

I wait for your confirmation 




Hello? Still no answer 

sow you can activate my 500 mb..but please fix the's very annoying to spend time asking for something that months ago was available in the app.


Edit by o2_Manuela: topics merged. 01.10.22, 08:59 Uhr

Vermeide bitte ein Anliegen multiple vorzutragen. Dort geht es weiter 


Edit by o2_Manuela: topics merged. 01.10.22, 08:59 Uhr


So Sandro? I still wait for the activation..haven't received any sms 

Dear @martinvo ,

I think it is not called App-Bonus, but the 500 MB were booked on August 26th by o2_Giulia. On September 9th you received an Email and SMS, that the 500 MB were nearly used up.

Kind regrads,


Still no answer, still I don't have my 500 mb



Durch dein permantes gepushe verzögert sich eine Antwort immer wieder. Wenn es eilig ist nutze bitte morgen (Dienstag’) die hotline.


I have booked the App Bonus manually for you again.

Please don't double post. Thank you 🌸

Best regards,

Solveig can I check how many 500mb do I still have? When I could apply for this in the app was easier because I could track in the app. But no I don't know and need to ask here which is a bit annoying. Thanks 




Dear @martinvo ,

Is the available data volume not displayed in the app?

Kind regards,


No, not in the app and not in the o2 website.

Some months ago that was possible.


Hello @martinvo,

as the 500 GB have been booked manually the data volume can not be displayed in the App. However you will be informed by text message before the 500 GB are used up. You can also use a data counter if your smartphone provides this feature.

Best regards


hello, again impossible to book by myself the 500 mb extra

why did o2 remove it some months ago?

i dont want to waste more time. if o2 offers something, it should be in the app

has no sense that month by month i come here to claim something that you are offering!!!!

Hello @martinvo,

you can acivate the 500MByte App Bonus if you were informed via SMS and a an eligible tariff is activated. Which tariff are you using right now?



No, I don't see it..that's why I'm asking. O2 prepaid M.


And please improve the customer service, has no sense to memorize the pin (jamobil shows the pin in the app)

I'm outside Germany and we're on 2022. It has no sense to send a physical post to renew the pin


That's the reason that invites me to leave the company. The service can't be so old and with so much delay in response. Please consider making the experience easier and when choosing a company consider the customer service.…

Please improve the experience


Hi @martinvo,


sorry for this situation. We have still problems with the App Bonus. I have booked the 500MB again for you now. We are permanent optimising our service and I hope that you will be fine with us in the future.


Best regards, Marco

Mit der Mein o2 App verwaltet ihr nicht nur eure Daten, sondern auch eure Tarife und habt zum Beispiel die Möglichkeit bei Bedarf das Datenvolumen eures Mobilfunkvertrages aufzustocken. Jetzt könnt ihr euch regelmäßig einen App Bonus in der Mein O₂ App sichern und euch kostenfrei zusätzliches Datenvolumen hinzubuchen.

Die Mein O₂ App

Unsere vor kurzem als “Deutschlands beste App” ausgezeichnete Mein o2 App kann von euch mit einem Post- oder Prepaid Tarif genutzt werden und bietet dabei viele hilfreiche Funktionen und Übersichten. Zum Beispiel könnt ihr dort eure aktuelle Rechnung einsehen, euer Datenvolumen im Blick behalten oder Zusatzoptionen wie o2 TV, WOW Ticket und Datenpakete buchen.

Hinzu kommt nun unser App Bonus, mit dem ihr ein zusätzliches Datenvolumen von 500 MB gratis nachbuchen könnt.

500 MB App Bonus gratis jeden Monat

Ab sofort habt ihr die Möglichkeit 500 MB zusätzliches Datenvolumen monatlich kostenfrei in der Mein o2 App hinzu zu buchen. Dabei zeigt ein roter Punkt unter der Option “Angebote” an, dass es dort etwas neues gibt. Nach der Buchung ist das Datenvolumen 30 Tage lang gültig und kann anschließend erneut gebucht werden.

Dieses Angebot gilt für o2 my Prepaid S/M/L und o2 Free S/M/L (inkl. Boost) Tarife.

10 GB App Bonus für Neukunden

Mit einem neuen Vertrag erhaltet ihr als Willkommensgeschenk über unsere Mein o2 App einen einmaligen App Bonus mit einem Datenvolumen von 10 GB. Dieses Angebot gilt für Neukund:innen mit dem Tarif o2 Free S, M, L (inkl. Boost und Flex, ausgenommen Unlimited Packs). Das Datengeschenk ist ab dem zweiten Monat einlösbar und verfällt nach drei Monaten. Ihr findet eure 10 GB App Bonus in der App unter Traif & Optionen → Buchbare Daten-Optionen.

Falls ihr den App-Bonus nicht buchen könnt, meldet euch bitte bei uns im Mobilfunk-Bereich.

Unsere Mein O₂ App könnt ihr im App Store und bei Google Play herunterladen.

Wenn ihr sie bereits nutzt, lasst uns gerne wissen, was ihr von der Mein o2 App haltet. Fehlt euch noch etwas, was ihr gerne in den Funktionen der App sehen möchtet? Dann lasst es uns wissen.

Titelbild: o2

Aktualisiert 01/2023 o2 Michi

Before I had the option and I need ever month to come here to claim for this. Wait for the activation and that o2 can improve 

Edit o2_Antje: Topics merged / 14.01.2022 / 14:56 Uhr







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