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Warum O2

I already have an existing contract in O2 with Basic Unlimited Internet, then someone called me up from O2, I couldn’t understand her explanation because she speaks German really fast. She sends me an E-Mail that I ordered another simcard with 4GB internet, why on Earth would I order another simcard whereas I already have an unlimited internet access. I don’t need another sim anyway. Anyone here have a idea how can I cancel it? Didn’t received the simcard yet but they are planning. It costs me additional 11,40€ something.

27.10.2023 15:51 o2_Katja: verschoben aus Mobilfunkvertrag

Hello @jeliyee18 

You can send an E-Mail with "Auftragsnummer", and your personal data  to to cancel ir within 14 days.

Hello @jeliyee18,

How did you agree to the contract? Have you been sent an email with an offer that you confirmed with “Buy Now”?

Best regards

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