Warum O2

Accidentally cancelled my 02 prepaid MAX data

Hi accidentally selected my data plan to end now instead of selecting it to end when the plan ends.i had 2 plans and both ended simultaneously and I don't have data now. Can this plans be reimbursed, please?






EDIT: verschoben von Mobilfunk:Vertrag&Tarife in English Mobile;     o2_Maria, 25.03.2024;   08:59 Uhr


Lösung von o2_Maria 28 March 2024, 08:35

Zur Antwort springen

3 Antworten

Can my accidentally cancelled MAX data plan be reactive, please? It still has more than a week to end, many thanks.

try it there


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Hello @Jing Deng ,

Welcome to the community.

As poales advised, have you already contacted your colleagues on the prepaid hotline?
Have you already been able to clarify your concerns there?

Best regards,

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