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About Prepaid Balance Details


I'm inquiring because I have a question about the prepaid balance. After checking the details of my charge and withdrawal, I think my credit balance should be 9.05 euros, but the balance I have left is only 7.55 euros. Cloud you explain to me why this happened?


4 Antworten

Hello @nozi 🙂

I took a look into it and there was a pack (o2 Prepaid Data Pack S) that was ordered unintentionally with a fee of 3,99 EUR.

My colleagues transferred the amount back to your prepaid account with a total balance of 7,55 EUR. Can you please tell me at which date you noticed the missing 1,50 EUR?

Best regards,


Hello @o2_Michi 

Thank you for your kind reply.

First of all, I received the refund of the 3.99 euro data pack which was ordered unintentionally. I am grateful for your help with this.🥲 I just asked because I thought the calculation was wrong when I checked the details of my withdrawal confirmation attached.

Thank you

Edit: hm meiner Ansicht nach sollten mindestens 10 Euro guthaben darauf sein, zumindest wenn der Nachweis vollständig ist.

Hello @nozi,

I have checked the transactions from the last months. After the ordered pack from the 2nd of july (for 3,99 EUR), there should have been 2,64 EUR more on your credit balance. I have transferred this amount now. 🙂

Best regards,


Moin @Sandroschubert 😀

der angezeigt Zeitraum ist vollständig, es ist aber nicht der Zeitpunkt ab Aktivierung der Karte mit glattem Startbetrag.




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