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Warum O2

I accidentally deactivated my 3.5 gb plan. It is going to be deactivated on 29 sept 2023. I don't want to deactivate it. Kindly activate it. Please 

@Nitesh Kumar

please use

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Hey @Nitesh Kumar,

Were you able to find help at customer care or should we look at your case again? 


Yes, I got help from customer care on chat. Thankyou so much. They have reactivated the plan. But now my number shows "private number" when I call to anybody. I tried to change it from called us setting but still is not getting updated. Please advise 

Dear @Nitesh Kumar ,

I was happy to check this for you, and according to my advertisement, your phone number is not suppressed.

Please check whether a call number suppression has been set in the settings of your mobile phone.

Kind regards,


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