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Warum O2

Hallo Freunde,
Ich werde meinen 24-Monats-Vertrag bis zum 23.10.2020 abschließen, und als ich heute zum O2 Shop ging, sagten sie, ich müsse einen Brief schreiben, um meinen O2-Vertrag nicht zu verlängern.
Eigentlich möchte ich meinen Vertrag nicht kündigen, aber ich möchte ihn in Monatlich kündbarer Vertrag ändern, was bequemer ist.
Können Sie jemandem vorschlagen, wie dies während dieses Covid-19 zu tun ist? Das Büro ist auch fast geschlossen.
Ich habe noch 3 Tage Zeit, meinen O2-DSL-Anschluss mit 24-Monats-Vertrag zu kündigen oder nicht zu verlängern.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Niranjan Ghosh

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Edit o2_Lars: Transfered from DSL/Vertrag to English/Broadband

@Niranjan you can‘t switch from a 24 months DSL contract to a DSL flex contract. Sorry. 

du hast aber keine Rabatte bei monatlich kündbaren Verträgen. Eine Umstellung von 24/12 Monaten auf Flex macht o2 nicht. 

Ich würd kündigen und dann nachverhandeln

@BarisA ich glaube es geht Ihm nicht um einen Rabatt, sondern den DSL Vertrag relativ leicht zu kündigen, wenn man wieder zurück ins Heimatland muss. (Corvid 19 wird uns länger verfolgen)

@BarisA  du kannst zb per Fax an die 01805 571766 kündigen. Das geht am schnellsten.


Bitte Name, Adresse, Kundennummer, Telefonnummer (Festnetz) etc. nicht vergessen. 

THank you guys. I sent them a letter for Termination of Contract by post today. Are there any email ID to which I can also email the letter ?

THank you guys. I sent them a letter for Termination of Contract by post today. Are there any email ID to which I can also email the letter ?



Für Post ist es etwas zu spät, wenn die Kündigung bis 23.7. eingehen muss. Eine E-Mail Adresse gibt es nicht. 


Bitte schicke das Kündigungsschreiben nochmal per 

Fax an 01805 571766 

Von einem Copyshop aus. 

Hello @Niranjan and welcome to our o2 community :-)

As far as I can see your fax arrived in time and our customer service is already working on it. You sould recieve an answer soon :-)

If you have any further questions don’t hesitate and simply ask, we will answer as soon as possible :-)



@o2_Lars  thank you for the acknowledgement. I have already received below email.

My next query is that how can I raise a request for new connection Flex M with monthly Cancellable contract. ?

Wichtige Information zu Ihrem o2 DSL-Vertrag


Lieber o2 Kunde,

schade, dass Sie Ihr o2 DSL-Produkt nicht länger nutzen möchten. Wir bedauern Ihre Entscheidung sehr und bestätigen Ihnen die Kündigung zum 22.10.2020. Zu diesem Termin werden wir den Festnetzanschluss mit der Hauptrufnummer XXXXXXXXXX640 wie gewünscht abschalten.

Weitere Informationen zur Rufnummernmitnahme und zur möglicherweise notwendigen Routerrücksendung erhalten Sie von uns rechtzeitig vor der Deaktivierung Ihres Anschlusses.


Hello @Niranjan,

as soon as the contract is terminated you can sign up for a new DSL contract. One possibility to do so is using our online portal.

If you recieved a router from us for the duration of the contract please send it back free of charge usoing our DSL logistics portal.



@o2_Lars Hi Can I use Monthly Cancellable Contract directly from my current login ? I got an email confirmation as mentioned above. But I can still see as below.

Start of contract:

October 24, 2018

End of contract:


Notice period:

3 month (s) to the end of the contract

latest termination date:


I want new Connection for below Tarrif Plan. Please help me how can I order it online ?


Thanks & Regards,

Niranjan Ghosh

Hello @Niranjan,

you can order the new connection as soon as the new connection is deactivated. The current connection will be deactivated in October. As long as the connection is active and running we do not have the possibility to order a new connection on the same adddress. Please be patient, you can order at the end of October.



Hi Friends,

I am back again. I hope everyone is healthy and doing good in this forum. 

I was thinking if i can extend the contract. Is it possible to get some good offer. I am also thinking about 100 Mbps speed for speed connectivity.

Can anyone help me or let me know if this is too late to think about contract extension. The Terminate date is 22/10/2020.

By the way my experience with O2-DSL Internet connectivity is awesome I really like it. Never faced any issue though demand of high speed only came recently when several devices are connected to Internet due to work from home.

Thanks & Regards,

Niranjan Ghosh.

Hello @Niranjan,


sorry for my late reply, unfortunately we can’t answer all requests immedeately.


An extention of your contract is not possible any more, also October 16th would have been too late. You can however now switch to a (new) contract without contract duration. Please find our offers for o2 My Home Flex here.


If you have any further questions, please let us know.


Kind regards,


Hi. Can anyone tell me why the contract is renewed automatically? I have a confirmation email on 20-Aug that the termination has been accepted and it will be deactivated on 22/10/2020. The screen shot of the same has been attached in the past. Is it some error in O2 Web Portal?


Hello @Niranjan,

the date that you see in our online portal doies not consider if a cancelation exists so it may seem like the contract period goes on for one more year.

As far as I can see there were issues regarding the deactivation of the DSL connection, our technical departement is already on way of fixing this so the DSL connection will be deactivated soon.



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