Warum O2

Upgrade from DSL to cable Fritz!Box 6660, no internet connection

  • 18 October 2022
  • 1 Antwort
  • 24 Aufrufe


I upgrade my internet DSL connection to cable. 

Activation occurred on 04.Oct. 

Now I have no DSL or Cable connection. I also called customer support, many times, I reset modem, I gave my mac address from modem and still is not working. 

They did a "reset", still not working.   I use Cable connection, the router is Fritzbox 6660, in a 3 (drei dose). One is for TV-antena dose, is working, one for "cable" no working and radio

I have also tickets opens, but even if I check the ticket status still the same, on review..worst!!

I'm surviving with mobile internet. 

Any idea how to fix this? 


Thanks everyone!! 

1 Antwort

Benutzerebene 7

Dear @UtaMAdre ,

welcome to our community. 🍃

I see that you have already spoken to the hotline, where a ticket was created for you. In the ticket it was stated that a technician appointment was made with you so that they could take a closer look at what the problem could be. Is that correct?

Kind regards,


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