Warum O2

The dal cable has not been connected correctly

Hello I write in English because my Deutsch is not so good. 

I have installed today the homebox o2, the technician will be here the 19th of January, but the o2 page for the installation of the modem keep saying to me that the dsl cable is not correctly connected.

I tried all the entrance for the dsl in my home, and even reinserted the cable behind the router but the message is the same.


Must I wait the 19? Is it Normal?

Or is sign of problem with my home cables? 


o2_Giulia, 13.01.2024, 13:24: verschoben von DSL, Kabel & Glasfaser zu English O₂ Community: Broadband & Landline

6 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7

You have to wait for January 19th, the internet won't work sooner. Yes, the earliest possible date is always issued for provision

Thank you very much 

Hello @CocotteBob, welcome at our Community. Nice to have you here.

I'm sorry that you have to wait a little longer for the activation. Please keep us updated when your line is activated on the 19th. 😀

Kind regards Ines.

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@CocotteBob Is the o2 Homebox send from o2 directly to you? If yes, all is good.

@CocotteBob Is the o2 Homebox send from o2 directly to you? If yes, all is good.

Yes, o2 sended to me the homebox. 

Thank you for all the reply, I'm feeling a little less worried now. 

Hello @CocotteBob 

Has the activation on January 19th been successful and are you connected with the internet now?

Regards Gerrit

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