Warum O2

Termination of DSL contract

Dear O2 staff,

Could you please clarify how to cancel O2 DSL contract? I have an option to cancel it with 1 month notice period, but I have free router, what should I do with it? I send post letter to main office in Hamburg with this question 1 month ago but there is no answer.

Thank you in advance.

10 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Hi  Newuser,

we have received your termination letter. Your connection will be disabled on 31/07/15. For the router you can find a packing slip with the correct address here: Klick



Thank you for the answer! However due to some changes I need to continue my contract, could you please clarify what should I do?

Benutzerebene 7
Therefore please write us a PN  with your personal customer code to the user @o2_DSL, or call my colleagues on the hotline.



Thank you, I have sent a message

Benutzerebene 3
Hi, im sorry, but it is too late. We need 6 workdays in advance to stop the deaktivation from the line.



Hello Christian

I have sent a termination letter to cancel my o2 dsl contract. I got a mail from o2 that they sent me a letter but it did not arrive me, then i wrote them another letter with my address, since then i did not hear anything from them. I know that i have to sent my router back once the contract terminates. could you please provide me the address where i have to send it back and what is the procedure

I have sent a termination letter to cancel my O2 DSL contract. I got a mail from O2 thatthey sent me A Letter but it did not arrive me, then i wrote them another letter with my address, since then i didnt hear anything from them. I Know That I have to sent my router back once the contract Terminates.Could you please Provide me the address where I have to send it back and what is the procedure

Benutzerebene 7
Hi khanshauk,

you can print out a return slip at the link I've posted above: Klick



I guess I have the same kind of problem and maybe it's easy to solve.

I sent a letter to cancel my DSL contract in May, and eventually I received a letter and an email that confirmed that the letter was received.

It was made clear that the contract termination requires the deregistration certificate, which, as we all know, you can't get before 7 days prior to departure.

I haven't received any instructions about returning the router, but I suppose I'm expected to do this?

The risk is that by the time I have deregistered, it's too late to get that kind of information from o2 - I'll already be out of the country.

I'm sorry, but it really annoys me... I tried to do this well in advance, but I can see that there was no point in me notifying o2 in advance of deregistering. I guess it's standard: everyone who leaves the contract early must pay 3 months more, regardless of when you try to notify o2. The thing is, I tried to notify o2 in advance of this (originally in April), but I'm not getting information back - I am happy if you can confirm when and how I need to send the router back, but I'm also annoyed that I have to ask for the information when I was so clear about when I am leaving Germany...

I'll try again... sigh...

Can someone confirm that I need to send the router back and how?

I found the link myself from other posts that has the address, but I really want o2 to tell me how to do it... it's crazy if I have to find the answers myself... in a few days I'll have to leave the country without an answer!

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