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I have been trying to cancel my O2 since October 2019. Sent emails, fax, and Post. o2  has been giving me a run around. Spoke to over 5 different people and telling me to mail here, to email here. and until now they have not cancelled. I had a German friend talk to them in November 2019 to try to communicate what is needed and what they told her, I did. She typed out the Letter in German and got the address to mail it too.

I am no longer in Germany and still being billed. I have sent the termination notice and memo well advance the 3 months cancellation policy.

 Can someone help me? what else can I do? everytime I talk to them they said they never received or they did but still no confirmation of cancellation.


Ich habe seit Oktober 2019 versucht, meine O2 zu stornieren. E-Mails, Fax und Post gesendet. o2 hat mich herumgerannt. Ich habe mit über 5 verschiedenen Leuten gesprochen und mir gesagt, ich soll hier mailen, hier mailen. und bis jetzt haben sie nicht abgesagt. Ich hatte im November 2019 einen deutschen Freund, der mit ihnen sprach, um zu kommunizieren, was gebraucht wird und was sie ihr sagten. Sie tippte den Brief auf Deutsch ab und bekam die Adresse, um ihn auch zu verschicken. Ich bin nicht mehr in Deutschland und werde immer noch in Rechnung gestellt. Ich habe die Kündigungserklärung und das Memo rechtzeitig vor Ablauf der 3-monatigen Stornierungsbedingungen gesendet. Kann mir jemand helfen? Was kann ich sonst noch tun? Jedes Mal, wenn ich mit ihnen spreche, sagten sie, sie hätten es nie erhalten oder getan, aber immer noch keine Bestätigung der Stornierung.


Edit o2_Larissa: moved to DSL english

In principle, contracts can only be terminated by complying with the notice period and to the end of the agreed contract period. The text form is required and the customer must sign the document. 

An exception can be made in the case of a move abroad, in which case the contract can be terminated with a notice period of 3 months to the end of a calendar month, calculated from the date of the move. In this case it is absolutely necessary to submit the necessary proofs. If the customer has not submitted the proofs, the contract will only be terminated at the end of the agreed contract period. o2 DSL term contracts have a basic term of 24 months and are automatically extended by 12 months unless they have been terminated with a notice period of 3 months. 

See also:

How to do a cancellation due to moving abroad?

Hello @janelle,


I have checked your DSL contract and can confirm that it was already cancelled by March 23rd already.


You have handed in a regular cancellation at first that would have been effective by July 2021 only.


After you sent in your documents proving that you moved abroad we have changed the deactivation date to the next possible one. Please note that in the case of an early cancellation we charge the three month notice period as well. This is the reason for the last invoices we sent you.


Please also note that our router has to be returned as it will be charged otherwise. You can download the return documents here.


For any further information please have a look into our FAQ section.


Kind regards


Hi, that is not right, I sent a military move termination letter “ Kundigung wg umzng un auslaud Abmelde bescheinigung in Kopoe”  “ Sonderkuendigung wegen umzug ins ausland” in Oct 2019, Dec 2019 and again in January 2020 requesting to end in Jan 30 2020. My original letter was sent Oct 2019, giving 3 months ahead for a Jan 30 2020 Cancellation. I should not have to pay more when I had sent MANY emails, post mail, and fax. I already paid for February!. Who can I contact for this invoice? because every email that I receive states “ DO NOT REPLY”



An exception can be made in the case of a move abroad, in which case the contract can be terminated with a notice period of 3 months to the end of a calendar month, calculated from the date of the move. 

The deciding factor is not when you submitted the notice of termination, but when you moved abroad according to the German Abmeldebescheinigung.

Hello @janelle,


in October you sent only a normal cancellation be the earliest possible date. In December you handed in your confirmation of departure. This was sufficiant as a proof for the early cancellation. Nevertheless, you had a 3 months notice period that is also relvant for early cancellations.


Kind regards


Okay, that is why I sent the cancellation in October because we left Germany Jan 30, 2020.



Also, if you say December is when you started counting it, why am I being charged for over 105 euros? My regular is 40 euros a month?? I paid my bill in January and February? that 105 euros is over 2 months worth?



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