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Warum O2


Lieber o2 Kunde,

wie gewünscht wird Ihr Internet- und Festnetz-Anschluss mit der Rufnummer 0xxxxxxxxxx3 in Kürze, am 29.04.2022, deaktiviert.”

I got one invoice to pay Abrechnungszeitraum: 23.04.2022 – 22.05.2022, why?

edit by Thomas3: Phone number anonymised, public forum, data protection

Edit o2_Larissa: moved to English o2 Community: Broadband / DSL

Der 29.04. liegt nach dem 23.04., daher wird in jedem Fall noch einmal eine Rechnung erstellt. Prüfe ggf. den Nutzungszeitraum auf Seite 2 der Rechnung. 

Hello @Heinsenberg_i ,

as your contract was deactivated on the 29th of April, you will be charged regularly until that date. The bill that you received is for the time where the contract was still active, only for the time from the 23rd until the 29th are you being charged, even if the bill itself covers an entire month. If you check the bill under your mein o2 account you’ll be able to see this in the detailed listing.


Kind regards, Sven

@o2_Sven thanks, when the direct debit will be finally made?
I would assume this is the last bill.

Hello @Heinsenberg_i ,

your account should have been charged around the 8th.

That would also be the final bill then.


Kind regards, Sven

@o2_Sven thanks! I’ve charged already and totally understand.
When the direct debit is cancelled and we finally finish our connection?


You won’t get another bill, your connections is closed now and your contact is canceled 😃

Best Regards Matze    

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